Useful Historical References

Scroll Name Description
Norms Diaries An invaluable account of history through Norms eyes. Dating from the 1st known existance of Puddleby through to today.
Yors Diaries Puddleby through Yors eyes starting at year 538.
Nacerean Order A short scroll about the finding of the first Blood Blade.
Azriel Diaries A piece in Azriel's diary detailing the Rip Wars.
Paramedics Sketchbook Sketchs and notes from early puddleby to today.
Fourth Circle Fighters A list of fighters who passed the 4 • in which order.
Fifth Circle Fighters A list of fighters who passed the 5 • in which order.
Sixth Circle Fighters A list of fighters who passed the 6 • in which order.
Whats New A list of Delta Tao's releases and relevant information.
Lundar Journal Puddleby through Lundars eyes starting at year 535.

If you have a good site that you want listing, or i've missed out someones invaluable and old diary please email me (you need to remove part of this address).