Tactics and reasons for the trip

The main reason for going to the Foothills apart from fun is to get Pathfinders to the advanced trainer, please remember that. If we get time or take the cave then we may explore some or even try the east snell.

The general routes we will be trying to go, depending on plans, events, teleporting and pathfinders are below. The prefered route is with Zorton, option 2.

Option 1 If we had no PF or Teleporters the route would be:
Snaggy > Hatreds Hollow > Orga Outback > Dreadlock Passage > Foothills > Dredwood > New Noids > Pitch Cavern

Option 2 If we go from town with Zorton this will shorten the trip to:
Foothills > Dredwood > New Noids > Pitch Cavern

Option 3 If we go from the meadow with Zorton this will shorten the trip to:
Snaggy > Hatreds Hollow > Orga Outback (Grotto only) > Foothills > Dredwood > New Noids > Pitch Cavern

So basically it really depends on Zorton and whether or not we're going to the trainers grotto aswell. Please take some time to digest this and refer to the maps on the information section.

I will be posting our plan of action here shortly for exiles to take in and digest so everyone knows the plan.

Lastly Yors plan, my plan, anyones plan isnt the be all and end all of the trip. If you have some thoughts, a new plan or anything we may find helpful please let us know. We're very open to new suggestions for taking the Pitch cave so feel free to email me (you need to remove part of this address) or talk to me in Puddleby. Of course we'll need this before the trip, not whilst we're on our way ;-)